Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh, Bollocks, just bollocks.

It's only Tuesday, 10.17 am and I'm in the library, yet again.

Here's a go.

I woke up yesterday with a bruised eye, and decided to skip class. Lucky for me, the lecturer went all crazy with some students that still didn't grasp the concept of Motion Tweening.

Spent the day in the library and the room. The thought of me jogging crossed my mind. It just crossed and nothing else. I was in no mood to jog, what more get out of the room.

Went for a dinner discussion at the Cafe near block P. Damn far wey. Bukan nak datang ambik aku ke kan. Takpe. Bagi je aku jalan sorang-sorang, malam-malan macamtu. Semata-mata nak jumpa talent. ~__~

Ideas poured in for our short film this morning. Brilliant ones. At least I hope the rest would like it as much as I do.

Hari ini, penat-penat aku bersemangat nak pegi kelas, selepas beberapa minggu tak pegi class Madam Hajar, aku samapi ke kelas lambat, and classmate aku semua cakap class cancel.

Oh, how I was SO pissed. Penat weh berkejaran ke kelas.

My left eyes are still swollen. Damn. This weeks is just bollocks I tell you.

Walaupun baru hari Selasa.

Going back on Friday morning. Weeeee.

Ya Allah yang Maha Penyayang,
Kembalikanlah kekuatan pada diriku,
Kuatkanlah kepercayaanku terhadap kebolehanku,
Aku memohon segala kekuatan iman dalam diriku diperkukuhkan.

1 comment:

zahirah ardy said...

haha, Motion Tweening, i remember that one XD mcm mana tak boleh grasp yg tu, mu kene tolong kawe mu, hana